
Transformational Change through Human & Cultural Understanding

We are group of big picture thinkers, deep human and cultural insights people, and innovation strategists all with one purpose: Shaping strategy and innovation through understanding audiences!

We turn Human Insights and Cultural Shifts into New Strategies and Successful Innovation


Why we are here

The purpose of Future Minds is to enable businesses and public organizations to grow based on deep insights and foresight about the people (customers, consumers or users) they want to make a difference for.

Our trademark is to generate insights and foresight - and translate them into future growth drivers, strategic opportunity spaces, and concrete innovation. 


Who we are

The name Future Minds reveals a lot about who we are. The Future is our caleidoscope. We focus on understanding cultural shifts, future un-met needs, and disruptive change, and we provide companies with a compass for the future. All with a collaborative mindset and a cross-disciplinary approach that ensures we think about the future from many different perspectives.



What makes us special

We conduct research and deliver insights - yet we are not an ordinary research agency! Instead, we are your consumer centric innovation partner! We believe that innovation should start with a signature insight instead of a bunch of random ideas! And we generate those signature insights for you. We are your strategic partner; yet we are also creative thinkers with the courage to be disruptive! And lastly: We believe in collaboration! We gladly invite you into our 'machine room'. And we dare to both listen, co-create and challenge!


Where we come from

Future Minds was founded in the fall of 2019 by Anne Flemmert Jensen. Anne says: "I decided to found Future Minds after a long leadership carreer within strategic innovation; both within global businesses and public organizations. During that time, I realized there is a huge void in many businesses when it comes to making consumer understanding the front and center of strategies, innovation and communication. Instead, they often base their efforts on internal factors or functional or technical attributes. While those are important, tapping into unmet needs of humans form the absolute epi-center of the most succesful and sustainable growth".